Archive for the ‘Lost’ Category

First a quick note on the title: When I am in full depressed mode, I feel like I waste all my energy TRYING to do stuff all day but not accomplishing much.  So what I mean by ‘stop NOT doing the things you feel like you should’ is, maybe we can help ourselves by not beating ourselves up over all the things we think we should do but aren’t.  By taking a purposeful break and doing something we actually would LIKE to do (if only that desire wasn’t totally squelched by the idea of all those pressing ‘shoulds’) we might actually free up some motivation to get around to using on the to-do list.

How often do you sit around work busily all day but feel like you can’t really get anything done that matters?  This may help. Maybe. That’s the hope anyway.  =) (more…)

You can be depressed and not know it.

Tips to help you keep it together.

Maybe everything isn’t hopeless…

When you are depressed long enough, you may come to believe that this way of being is so much more than depression– it starts to feel like that’s who you are.

It’s just not true. (more…)

I had the stark revelation that in some ways, I have basically been absent from my own life for most of this year.

This awareness hit me when I was thinking about writing a family update- something I was doing frequently last year.  I kept meaning to (more…)

1. You finally get inspired to do something but even if you get started, something happens (you’re not even sure what) and then all you feel up for is getting back in bed for a few days… or weeks… or months…